Cantonese classes for 3-7 years old
A learning experience that is both age-appropriate and non-traditional

About Fun Cantonese Basic
Fun Cantonese Basic is an innovative Reggio-Montessori play-based Cantonese program designed for children aged 3-7 years old. Our program places a strong emphasis on developing conversational Cantonese speaking and listening skills, as well as on recognizing Chinese characters and understanding traditional Chinese festival celebrations. Through a range of interactive learning activities, we encourage our students to use Cantonese to listen, speak, read, and write, thereby enhancing their overall language proficiency.
Fun Cantonese Basic 是一個創新的Reggio- Montessori 遊戲式粵語課程,專為 3-7 歲的兒童設計。我們的課程非常重視培養粵語會話的口語和聽力技巧,以及認識漢字和理解中國傳統節日慶祝活動。通過一系列互動學習活動,我們鼓勵學生使用粵語聽、講、讀、寫,從而提高他們的整體語言能力
Our Mission
Our mission is to deliver a Cantonese learning experience that is both enjoyable and tailored to the age group of children, with a focus on non-traditional methods. By means of our lively play-based program, children are able to discover the Chinese culture and Cantonese language in an exciting and innovative way. We seek to inspire children’s curiosity and enable them to continuously explore, question, and learn about Cantonese and the Chinese culture.